CHAPPER healthcare – a leading global specialist pharmaceutical wholesaler, distributor and services provider
Unlicensed medicines and supply for market shortages
A core part of our business is the export of unlicensed medicines. These are medicines which are registered in their country of manufacture (such as the UK), but are not registered in the importing country.
Our aim is to enable pharmacies and clinicians around the world to supply their patients with the medicines they urgently need. This could be a one-off shipment or a regular delivery of several containers.
We can also supply bespoke and specially prepared medicines which have been prescribed by a doctor or pharmacist when a licensed product is not available.
As part of our service, you will be allocated a dedicated Account Team member available to answer any specific questions you may have and who will monitor your requirements from the first point of contact to despatch.
Other Services
Who we support
A word from our CEO
CHAPPER healthcare is a leading global pharmaceutical wholesaler and distributor of pharmaceuticals, specialising in importing and exporting pharmaceuticals to markets across the globe since 1975.
Explore recent case studies
Solutions for Wholesalers / Healthcare Providers – case studies
Export of products licensed in the country of origin but not in the importing country. Supply for market shortages,
named patients and managed access programmes.
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Solutions for Manufacturers – case studies
We offer a range of services for pharmaceutical manufacturers, ranging from full export solutions to specialist supply to designated markets & patients. Services include, but are not limited to, exclusive supply and distribution services, warehousing, third party logistics, clinical trials supply, Early Access Programmes and importation services, including Responsible Person Import (RPi).
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